Let’s start!

Home Search and Rental Assistance

At Greece Relocation, we provide full-service home search and rental assistance support tailored to your needs. Whether you are retiring, relocating for work, or seeking a fresh start, our expert team will handle every aspect of the process, ensuring a seamless transition to your dream home in Greece.


Extensive Property Search: Discover Your Perfect Home

  • Our experienced team at Greece Relocation will conduct a meticulous property search, utilizing their industry expertise to find your ideal home in Greece.
  • We consider your specific requirements, including location, size, amenities, and budget, to curate a personalized selection of properties that meet your criteria.

Accompanied Viewings: Uncover the Possibilities

  • Enjoy exclusive accompanied viewings during flexible business hours provided by Greece Relocation, giving you the opportunity to explore up to 12 properties or spend up to 8 hours immersed in your search.
  • Our knowledgeable agents will be right by your side, providing invaluable insights and answering any inquiries to help you make informed decisions.

Rent Contract Review and Negotiation: Secure Favorable Terms

  • Our meticulous approach at Greece Relocation includes an in-depth review and skillful negotiation of rent contracts on your behalf, ensuring you benefit from favorable terms and conditions.
  • We provide a comprehensive summary of payment details, you to help you make confident decisions during the contract signing process.

Seamless Transition: Effortless Settling-In

  • Experience a seamless transition to your new home with the assistance of Greece Relocation as we help you arrange essential services, connect utilities, and coordinate smooth move-in logistics.
  • Our comprehensive support ensures that you feel at ease and settled, allowing you to focus on creating beautiful memories in your new home.
Nelly Kontaxi

Relocation Consultant Expert

Why did you select Greece for your move?

Let’s start from the beginning! What is your name?

Let’s Make Things Happen

Everything starts here. I will be your main point of contact, from our first meeting, till the moment you start planting your home garden.

Greece Relocation

Nelly Kontaxi
Relocation Consultant Expert

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